so excited!! on thursday my cousin amanda and i are embarking on an east-coast adventure. we are going to be spending 13 days in prince edward island at my oma's house. (my mom's mom) she is 88 years old and full of life. quite frankly, she's probably one of the most hilarious women i know. i can't wait to see her. she lives in a mother-in-law suite at my aunt's house so amanda and i will be sleeping in my oma's camping trailer out in the yard. oma's already had the trailer cleaned and the linens prepared for a month or two now. she's so sweet.
i haven't been back to pei for 13 years, so i'm wondering how much of it will be familiar. i'm looking forward to going back and rediscovering my roots. also i'm just really looking forward to having a holiday. i'm hoping for sunny, fresh-smelling spring days. i've been looking at tourist websites to see what there is to do, and it seems like it will be a quaint holiday. there's a lot of fishing, walks, gardening, folk craft-making, and other such delightful things to do. we were really hoping to go see the anne of green gables musical, but sadly that only plays during the summer months. but i'm hoping that going in june will allow us to still have some nice weather but to be able to avoid the tourist season.

i'm hoping to do a lot of journaling while i'm there, so perhaps i'll post some entries from it later on so you can see what i've been up to :)