Friday, January 21, 2011

There's a Little Heartbeat in My Belly..

Well, it's been quite some time now since I last posted on here. 8 months! And a lot has happened. But first, as promised, I need to post some pictures from my PEI trip:

Wow, it was hard to choose.. I have so many pictures and it was so beautiful there. Everything is so cute and picturesque. I would love to take my husband someday! Speaking of which, I got married this past September, another reason the posts have not been so frequent. It was a beautiful fall day we were able to share with most of the wonderful people in our lives, we are truly so blessed. 

And... since then, we got a new puppy! He is truly the most adorable little guy, but definitely a puppy! I don't know where he gets the energy from. His name is Luke, and he tries my patience daily, but we love him.

And since Luke, even more news! My husband has recently started his own business! It's definitely been a learning curve and a lot of work, but we both feel like the Lord is leading us and will bless us in this endeavour. It has been a leap of faith! However, we are looking forward with great anticipation to all that 2011 holds! 

At the moment I am not working. My contract at RDC ended at the end of last June and in the summer I worked for Jason's dad doing reno's. After the wedding I worked at Michael's for the month of November, but decided it wasn't my dream job, and now I am hoping to learn the in's and out's of office management in order to help Jason out with his shop. I'm a little nervous about the prospect but I think it will be good for me to acquire new skills, meet some new people, and to have some more challenge in my daily life. I do enjoy learning, so this will definitely be a lot of new things to learn. 

And more great news! On Dec 15, 2010 we got some of the best news of our lives... a baby! This is where the title of this particular post came from. I had my first ultrasound today, determining that I am almost 10 weeks along already! And we saw our little baby "bear" (the baby looks like a teddy bear because of the large head and short little limbs.. so cute!) I could have watched the screen all day, it was so amazing. And so amazing to hear the heartbeat as well! I could have cried. We also saw the baby nod which was so surreal. Hard to believe that tiny thing in my belly can move! I will perhaps post the ultrasound photo at some point. I just feel like it's so personal so I didn't want to post it on facebook before I've told everyone the news. I know that this blog doesn't have a huge following, it's just a nice place for me to write down my thoughts. I thought about erasing it and starting a new one, but I think I will just change the focus. It started as a blog about business, but now it's just going to be about life in general as I haven't put too much energy into anything business-related as of late. But since I'm not working now it's nice to spend some time reflecting on all the blessings in my life. God I am so thankful for all you have given me! Forgive me for taking life for granted too often.

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